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Location: Austin, TX, United States

Scholar, Writer, Mother, Dreamer. Editor of Luminarium, an online library for English Literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Friday, June 23, 2006

To Bed or Not to Bed, That is the Question

HamletNo, no, no, ye of the dirty minds!  I didn't mean in that sense :P Though that too is an interesting question.  I just got back home from a lovely night of amateur theatrics in the truest sense of the word.

This evening, I went to Arden, Delaware, to see the Arden Shakespeare Gild's production of "Hamlet."  The citizens of Arden, each year for the past century almost, have put on a Shakespeare play in the verdant woods, on an outdoor stage — and everyone involved is there for the love of the Bard.  I had had the pleasure last year to play Olivia there in "Twelfth Night", and my Macbeth was playing Hamlet, so it was a foregone conclusion I should go see it.

And it was delightful! Very well done. After the show, we all went out to the local tavern, and ate, drank, and were merry. On the way back home, I decided it would be a brilliant idea to take a detour to New Jersey (I don't know how I read the sign wrong) so getting home took quite a while... still, a great night.

Tomorrow is Midsummer's Eve in Finland, which means it is the night young women do Midsummer spells. So my question really was... 'to bed, to bed, to bed' (Macbeth, V,i.)... or whether 'tis nobler in the mind to write a post on Midsummer spells.... Hmmm...

Tags: Shakespeare | Theatre | Finland



Blogger Katja said...

June 23, 2006 3:46 AM  

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